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A warm welcome From the Dean of Students

Calvary Greetings to you our beloved student.

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. It is with great honour that I welcome you to the Divine Grace College of Theology.

  • 01 Our Promise to You.

    At the Divine Grace College of Theology [DGCT], we shall always adhere to the sound tenets of Biblical truth.

    We shall endeavor to equip and train you to become effective in ministry in the area of your calling within the five-fold ministry (as a pastor, teacher, evangelist, prophet or apostle) and leadership roles within the church.

  • It is your responsibility as a student of DGCT to attend all lectures and complete assignments on time as well as adhere to the instructions of your trainer and guides throughout the course of study.

    It is your responsibility to make sure that tuition and other fees are paid on time to facilitate your studies.

  • Our staff go the extra mile to help our students in their unique areas of struggle to see that all our students become who God made them.

    In holding true to the adage "the difference between extra-ordinary and ordinary is that 'extra'", we always urge our students to go that extra mile to distinguish themselves and be approved as workmen that need not be ashamed.


Upon enrolling for a course at DGCT, you simultaneously enrol for a holistic experience that involves not only your studies but also your spiritual growth, cultural exchange, sporting activities as well as hands-on training for ministry.

Campus Fellowship

DGCT students have their own autonomous fellowships within the regions of origin where they enrich their spiritual growth as the scriptures admonish us not to forsake "the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."

Outreach Activities

Students interested in missions are encouraged to meet, pray, and travel to do missions within their regions depending on where they are located across the globe.


At DGCT we encourage students both to train and compete in different sports and athletics disciplines in their local regions "For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come." Sporting activity also creates a platform for evangelism.

Cultural Events

DGCT appreciates and celebrates the diversity of its students, faculty and staff cultures. The beauty of various cultures has a place at DGCT and is celebrated as God’s wonderful creation. DGCT is a community with different cultural backgrounds, united and founded on Christian principles where everybody can belong and God is glorified.

Internship / Field Ministry

Each year students from Divine Grace College of Theology are assigned a church where they minister occasionally. Within the church they are given assignments from helping with praise and worship to teaching the children. Serving in a church on weekly basis provides students with an opportunity to build relationships and gain first-hand experience.


Our Chapel is located on 141 Railton Road, London SE24 0LT. The teachings at the chapel are based on the same Biblically sound doctrine that we teach at DGCT. It is our desire that the people who fellowship at the Chapel place their trust in Christ to forgive and lead them, and that they grow in their relationship with Him..