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About Us

DGCT is a private College of Theology run by anointed servants of God and trained educators in the field. It is one of the best Bible Colleges in England Established in the year 2007.

We offer a well thought out, inspiring curriculum which provides knowledge and essential skills for working in the ministry.

We have designed the scheme in a manner which helps to reflect the current issues in Christendom and the contemporary religious world. We hope to produce skilled graduates who will be able to apply the word of God in counselling, preaching, teaching and the salvation of souls.

  • Our Mission at DGCT is to educate Christian Students to Think Christ, Live Christ, Practice Christ-Centered Life Approach in accordance with our Statement of Faith.
  • Our Vision is To Discover, Develop & Equip people of God for Excellence in Ministry and for Global Impact.


DGCT is located at the multipurpose Eurolink Business Centre (EBDC) in Brixton, London. Brixton is a multi cultural community with access to good roads, train services, DLR and a vast number of bus routes.

Brixton is located in the London Borough of Lambeth.

A warm welcome From the Dean of Students

Calvary Greetings to you our beloved student.

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. It is with great honour that I welcome you to the Divine Grace College of Theology.

  • 01 Our Promise to You.

    At the Divine Grace College of Theology [DGCT], we shall always adhere to the sound tenets of Biblical truth.

    We shall endeavor to equip and train you to become effective in ministry in the area of your calling within the five-fold ministry (as a pastor, teacher, evangelist, prophet or apostle) and leadership roles within the church.

  • It is your responsibility as a student of DGCT to attend all lectures and complete assignments on time as well as adhere to the instructions of your trainer and guides throughout the course of study.

    It is your responsibility to make sure that tuition and other fees are paid on time to facilitate your studies.

  • Our staff go the extra mile to help our students in their unique areas of struggle to see that all our students become who God made them.

    In holding true to the adage "the difference between extra-ordinary and ordinary is that 'extra'", we always urge our students to go that extra mile to distinguish themselves and be approved as workmen that need not be ashamed.

Statement of Beliefs

This is the statement of our faith.

1. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that the scriptures are supreme and final authority in all matters of life, faith and conduct.

2. We believe that the Godhead eternally exists coequally and coeternally in three persons: Father, Son and Spirit and these three are One God, Sovereign in creation, providence and redemption.

3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Virgin Birth, His Humanity, His sinless life and in His atoning sacrifice through His shed blood. We believe in the bodily resurrection, ascension and second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

4. We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and Son and the necessity of His work in the conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification. We believe in the endowment of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism of the Holy Spirit with signs following.

5. We believe in the universal sinfulness of all men since the fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation.

6. We believe in the necessity for salvation and repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

7. We believe in the spiritual unity and priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the Universal Church- The Body of Christ.

8. We believe that the gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the gospel to the world.

9. We believe in the visible return of our lord Jesus Christ to reign in glory and power.